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UI Development.
ExploreFront End Web Developer in Eldoret, Kenya.
CONNECT WITH MEUI Development.Progressive web app template that allows users to find and purchase their favourite wines.
ExploreIām Mogambi James , a Front end web developer & UI designer working in Eldoret, Kenya.
Web Developer adept in all stages of advanced web development. Knowledgeable in user interface, frontend web development, backend web development, testing, and debugging processes. Bringing forth expertise in design, installation, testing and maintenance of web systems. Equipped with a diverse and promising skill-set. Proficient in an assortment of technologies, including JAVASCRIPT, ES6, REACTJS, REACT NATIVE, REDUX , testing with JEST and ENZYME. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate in a team setting.
FRONT END:- HTML | CSS | SCSS | JavaScript | ES6 | TypeScript | React | React Native | Redux | Axios | Bootstrap | Styled Components.
BACK END:- Node.js | Nodemon | Express | MongoDB | JSON Web Tokens | Sessions & Cookies
TESTING:- Jest | Enzyme | Snapshot Testing | Unit Testing
TOOLS & DEPLOYMENT:- CLI | Git | Github | NPM | Yarn | Google Cloud | Heroku
COMPUTER SCIENCE:- C++ | C | Algorithms | Data Structures | Web Development | Computer Architecture | User Interface Design | Human Computer Interaction
Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript; plus modern libraries and frameworks. Passionate about usability.If you want to learn more about me or are interested in hiring, feel free to contact me.